W/E 29th November 2021

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Church News 

 The Church in Drumsna will be open each day from morning until evening for private prayer. Thanks is extended to Father Mark Bennett for Celebrating Mass in Drumsna on Thursday last.  Mass will be celebrated again on this Thursday November 25th at 10am.   Reader for Thursday Mary Gillooly, Altar Society for November Mary Gillooly, Colleen Guckian Sunday Mass in St. Mary’s Annaduff at 11am.Envelopes for the November Masses for the dead are inside the Church door and can be left in the basket the Altar. The offertory envelopes for this end of the Parish can be collected at Drumsna Church.

Important Church Notice.

The Diary for  Priests covering for our P. P. Fr. J. Wall, Annaduff is now in Carrick-on-Shannon for easy access to the priests who are kindly saying our Masses etc.  Those wishing to book Mass, Baptism  or weddings for this area should book through the Parish office St. Mary’s,  Kiltoghert at 071 9620118

Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50

Annaduff G.A.A. is asking you to support our weekly 50/50 draw. You can enter online @annaduffgaa.ie/fifty/  The weekly prize is 50% of the ticket money collected that week. All draws are live at 4pm each Sunday on Annaduff G.A.A. F.B. page Please tick the ‘’plays-Every Week’’ to ensure you are in it to win. Thank you from annaduff G.A.a.

This week’s Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50 weekly draw was held in  on Sunday  at Duignan’s Bar and Grocery Drumsna with James Faughnan presiding. Kevin Ludlow pulled the winning ticket which was no.100. and the winner was  Michael Rowley. Congratulations to  Michael who won 180 Euro. Next Sunday’s draw will be in Dromod at  4pm.

Golden Age Meeting

There will be a meeting of the Golden Age Group in Drumsna community Centre on today Wednesday November 24that 3.30pm. Health and safety measures apply.

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