W/E 14th November 2021
Church Drumsna will be open each day from morning until evening for private prayer. Thanks is extended to Father Seamus O’ Rourke for Celebrating Mass in Drumsna on Thursday last. Mass will be celebrated again on this Thursday October 21st at 10am. Reader for Thursday Michael Gillooly. Altar Society for November Mary Gillooly, Colleen Guckian Sunday Mass in St. Mary’s Annaduff at 11am.Envelopes for the November Masses for the dead are inside the Church door and can be left in the basket the Altar.
Important Church Notice.
The Diary for Priests covering for our P. P. Fr. J. Wall, Annaduff is now in Carrick-on-Shannon for easy access to the priests who are kindly saying our Masses etc. Those wishing to book Mass, Baptism or weddings for this area should book through the Parish office St. Mary’s, Kiltoghert at 071 9620118
Cemetery Sunday.
Mass for the Dead and including especially, those who were bereaved in the past year in St. Mary’s Church Annaduff on next Sunday November 14th at 4pm. Followed by the Blessing of the graves.
MSLETB Course.
The MSLETB are running a Fully Funded course in Health skills QQ1L5 duration 47 weeks. Suitable for someone looking for work as a health care assistant. Register your interest at hhtps://www.fetchcourses.ie/course/finder?sfcwcourseeld=248893 or call 071 919500 for more information
Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50
The Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50 weekly draw was held at Pat Daly’s Shop, Drumsna on Sunday last with James Faughnan presiding, last week’s winner Micheal O’ Dowd pulled the winning ticket which was no. 54 and the winner was Fionnuala Maxwell. Congratulations to Fionnuala who won 190 Euro. Next Sunday’s draw will be at The Brandywell ,Dromod at the earlier time of 4pm.
Sympathy is extended to Donal. Collum, Noelin, Eithne and Eimear Fox on the death of their Beloved mother Ena Fox ,Corrick which took place during the week. Also to her sons-in-law daughters-in-law, grandchildren, brother ,sister, relatives and a large circle of friends. The late Ena who was predeceased by her husband Paddy Fox N.T. ,her grandson Myles and brother Phelim was a stalwart of the Parish of Annaduff since she came from Loch Gowna in county Cavan all those years ago when Paddy won her heart. She was a founder member of Annaduff I.C.A. guild and was always ready ,willing and able to partake in whatever activities or celebrations that took place in our Parish. Together with her late husband Paddy they emersed themselves in the School children , the G.A.A. the I.C.A. the N.F.A. and every other celebration that took place in our Parish Ena and Paddy were there. Ena was interred in St. Mary’s Cemetery Annaduff after her funeral Mass on Sunday. The large crowd gathered there including a guard of honour of I.C. A. members and Annaduff G.A.A. was testament to The esteem that the Fox family are held in.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.