W/E 24th October 2021

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Church News 

 The Church in Drumsna will be open each day from morning until evening for private prayer. Thanks is extended to Father Seamus O Rourke for Celebrating Mass in Drumsna on Thursday last.  Mass will be celebrated again on this Thursday October 21st at 10am. Social distancing applies.  Reader for Thursday Colleen Guckian. Altar Society for  October Geraldine Monaghan, Mary Gillooly, Deirdre Flynn. Sunday Mass in St. Mary’s Annaduff at 11am.Envelopes for the November Masses for the dead are inside the Church door and can be left at the Altar.

Important Church Notice.

The Diary for  Priests covering for our P. P. Fr. J. Wall, Annaduff is now in Carrick-on-Shannon for easy access to the priests who are kindly saying our Masses etc.,  Those wishing to book Mass, Baptism  or weddings for this area should book through the Parish office St. Mary’s,  Kiltoghert at 071 9620118

Cemetery Sunday.

Mass for the Dead and including especially, those who were  bereaved in the past year in St. Mary’s Church Annaduff on Sunday November 14th at 4pm. Followed by the Blessing of the graves.

Living Well Programme.

New dates have been announced for the HSE living well programme  Thursday 7thOctober, Wednesday 13th October, Tuesday 19th October, Monday 1st November. If you are living with a long term health condition this programme will help you learn the tools to live a healthy and active life. For more information or to book a lace contact Olga on 086 6078950 or email olga.maguire@mayocil.ie. Please note you do not have to disclose your health condition on the programme. For more information go to www.hse.ie/livingwell

 Annaduff 50/50Draw.

The Annaduff 50/50 draw took place at  on Sunday last at Mc Hugh’s joinery, Drumcree with James Faughnan presiding.  Raymond Mc Hugh pulled the winning ticket which was number 146. The winner was Sean Duignan who won 190 Euro. Congratulations to Sean. Next draw will take place at 5pm.online at a venue yet to be decided. Remember if you’re not in you cant win !

Leitrim Volunteer Awards. 2021.

Leitrim volunteer Centre works with volunteers and non profit organisations aiming to promote the value of volunteering to organisations and individuals and to increase the range of quality of volunteering across County Leitrim. We match volunteers to suitable roles with non profit organisations and offer support to organisations with all aspects of involving volunteers. Leitrim Volunteer Centre wish to recognise value and show it’s utmost gratitude to the many people who volunteer and who have volunteered in our County. Recognition will also be given to those who went beyond the call of duty during Covid 19. The event will take place on Friday November 5th between 12noon and 4pm. At Drumsna Community and Resource Centre, Quay Street Drumsna .Co. LeitrimN4 ! D9P9.

Groups who involve volunteers are strongly encouraged to nominate. Further information on nominations for the awards can be met by emailing infovolunteeringleitrim.ie outlining the following details; Name of volunteer, organisation category, and please also outline why you are nominating this individual. For further information please contact Charlotte, Orla or Josephine at the Leitrim Volunteer Centre /Education Centre, Marymount Carrick-on-Shannon, or email infovolunteerleitrim.ie also wwwvolunteeleitrim.ie www.facebook.com/leitrimvolunteercentretwitter:@volunteerleitrim.

Golden Age Meeting.

There will be a Golden Age Meeting in the Community Centre Drumsna on today Wednesday October 20th at three pm. New members are very welcome to join our happy group. If you are 55 or over and would like to join us just come along and you will be made very welcome. The Annual golden Age /Parish Christmas party is back on again on Sunday December 5th and will be in the Bush Hotel per usual with a lovely festive menu. Glenside Country will supply the music and dinner is at 3pm. Are welcome just give your name to any member of the group.

MSLETB Course.

The MSLETB are running a Fully Funded course in Health skills QQ1L5 duration 47 weeks. Suitable for someone looking for work as a health care assistant. Register your interest at hhtps://www.fetchcourses.ie/course/finder?sfcwcourseeld=248893 or call 071 919500 for more information.

Drumsna C.C.E.

The traditional music session which was to take place in Annaduff G.A.A. Centre on Friday October 1st was cancelled as a mark of respect to the late Ann Foley. It is rescheduled for Friday October 22nd from 7pm -8.30pm. All musicians, singers, dancers and listeners are very welcome.


Sympathy is extended to the following on their recent sad bereavements.

To the relatives of the late Maura Gillooly Glasnevin, to her daughter Mary Headford ,Sons Michael Dristernan, Thomas and Patrick, Dublin. Son-in-law Robert, daughter-in-law Karen, Grand children ,great grandchildren , brothers -in-law Brendan and John, sisters-in-law Bridie and Phyllis, nieces ,nephews relatives and friends. The late Maura who was predeceased by her husband Tom, baby daughter Geraldine, brothers Martin and Chris was interred in St. Mary’s cemetery Annaduff after her funeral Mass in The Church of the Immaculate Conception , Drumsna on Wednesday last.

To the relatives of the late Elizabeth ( Eilish ) O’ Brien,Castleknock , Dublin. To her Beloved daughter Susanne her sister Margaret ,nieces, nephews, cousins relatives and a large circle of friends. The late Elizabeth (Gilroy) Fargrim Drumsna who was predeceased by her husband John, brothers Eugene and Paddy was interred in St. Mary’s Cemetery Clonsilla after her funeral Mass in Our Lady Mother of the church, Castleknock on Friday last.

May their souls rest in peace. Amen.

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