W/E 18th July 2021
Church News
The Church in Drumsna will be open each day from morning until evening for private prayer. Thanks is extended to Father Mark Bennet for Celebrating Mass in Drumsna on Thursday last. Mass will be celebrated again on this Thursday July 15th at 10am. Social distancing applies. The Church holds up to 40 people.
Important Church Notice.
The Diary for Priests covering for our P. P. Fr. J. Wall, Annaduff is now in Carrick-on-Shannon for easy access to the priests who are kindly saying our Masses etc., Those wishing to book Mass, Baptism or weddings for this area should book through the Parish office St. Mary’s, Kiltoghert at 071 9620118.
Tidy Towns .
The Annual Tidy Towns competition will be held virtually this year. The village is looking very well, with lots of house/wall painting etc. The flowers took a bit of a beating from the rain last week but are now in bloom once again. Litter is well under control and hopefully all those who enjoy our Quayside and the Shannon side walk adhere to out litter guidelines. Hopefully we will gain a mark or two.
Tidy towns Meeting.
The monthly meeting of Drumsna Development Association/ Tidy Towns takes place on today Wednesday July 14th at 8pm.Contact 085 2247044 for zoom details.
Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50 draw
The weekly Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50 draw took place at Taylor’s beer Garden, Drumsna on Sunday last with James Faughnan presiding. Ava Faughnan pulled the winning ticket which was number 62 and the winner was Marcella Lyons who won 222 euro. Congratulations to Marcella. Next Sunday’s draw on July 18th will be the G.A.A. grounds Annaduff at 5pm. Thanks to all involved.
Golden Age.
We are all looking forward to our first meeting which will hopefully be in September where our Annual Holiday will be up for discussion. Our Exercise Coach, Dillon Keane of DK personal Training Drumsna, has given us our individual exercise folders for the next number of weeks until we can meet up again.