W/E 20th June 2021
Church News
The Church in Drumsna will be open each day from morning until evening for private prayer. Thanks is extended to Father Seamus O’ Rourke for Celebrating Mass in Drumsna on Thursday last. Mass will be celebrated again on this Thursday June 17th at 10am . If you are free to read at any of our Thursday Masses please give me your name before Sunday evening @ 078 7670788. Social distancing applies. The Church holds up to 40 people.
Important Church Notice.
The Diary for Priests covering for our P. P. Fr. J. Wall, Annaduff is now in Carrick-on-Shannon for easy access to the priests who are kindly saying our Masses etc., Those wishing to book Mass, Baptism or weddings for this area should book through the Parish office St. Mary’s, Kiltoghert at 071 9620118.
Tidy Towns Competition 2021
The Annual Tidy Towns competition will be held virtually this year and anyone who has photographs of wild life or anything to do with the competition is asked to give them to any committee member. Each individual is requested per usual to do their bit around their respective property. The committee will be taking photographs for the entry before the end of June .
Bonfire night.
The Annual Bon fire on Wednesday June 23rd will be once again lit at the harbour in Drumsna this year. Lighting up at nine . Social distancing will be adhered to. If you would like to sing dance or play an instrument please feel free to do so. You will be very welcome.
North West Simon.
Register for the North West Simon Community Dip & donate Challenge from the 18th -21st June to help raise vital funds for the homeless prevention services in the North West. The first 50 participants who sign up will be posted out a free Dip & Donate T-Shirt. Sign up on
www.northwestsimon.ie/dip-donate-challenge/ or by contacting the organizer at mary@northwestsimon.ie
If you can’t make it to the beach , you can always take a dip in a local lake or river or even your back garden in the paddling pool ! You can set up an online fundraiser on face book or donate and make a difference to those less fortunate.
Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50 draw
The weekly Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50 draw took place at the club house on Sunday last with James Faughnan presiding. Teresa Guckian pulled the winning ticket which was no. 88 and the winner was Orlaith Guckian who won 220 Euro. Congratulations to Orlaith . The next draw will also be at the G.A.A. grounds on Sunday next at 5pm. Thanks to all involved.
Congratulations /Celebrations.
Great excitement in the Mulvihill/Farrell household Lisduff, Drumsna over the past week. Son Kyle was welcomed home with open arms after his safe return from his stint in the Lebanon , Daughter Leona and her husband James Connolly welcomed their first child Kaiya into the family and they will based in Drumshanbo and of course heartiest congratulations to the delighted first time grandparents Bernie Mulvihill Farrell and Brendan Farrell who was also celebrating his birthday and we cannot forget the great Grandmother Rose Mulvihill Effrinagh (who is one of the sprightliest Great Grannies around the place) on the birth of Kaiya. Congratulations and best wishes to all.
It is lovely to have some good news amidst all the doom and gloom.