W/E 30th June 2021
Church News
The Church in Drumsna will be open each day from morning until evening for private prayer. Thanks is extended to Father Seamus O’ Rourke for Celebrating Mass in Drumsna on Thursday last. Mass will be celebrated again on this Thursday May 27 at 10am. Reader Colleen Guckian. If you can read at any of our Thursday Masses please give me your name before Sunday evening @ 078 7670788. Social distancing applies. The Church holds up to 40 people.
Grow it.
The grow it forward campaign in partnership with Healthy Ireland and Public Libraries ,Ireland and in line with the Irish Government’s keep well initiative ,Leitrim County Libraries is distributing FREE packs of seeds to people locally. If you would like to receive a seed pack phone 071, 9645582 or email leitrimlibrary@leitrimcoco.co.ie The pack includes seeds for beetroot, carrots, salad leaves, pees and tomatoes, a guide to help grow them and gift tags to share them with family and friends.
Annaduff 50/50 draw
The Annaduff G.A.A. 50/50 draw on Sunday May 16th was held at Drumsna Community Centre . Therese Charles pulled the winning ticket which was No 216. and the winner was Teresa Guckian who won Euro 275. Thanks is extended to Therese , Kevin and Barry and to all who bought the tickets. Next week’s Draw will take place at a venue yet to be decided.