W/E 23rd February 2020

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Church News

There will be Mass in Drumsna on Friday evening February 21st at 7pm followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Holy Hour duty Mary Khaleel, Colleen Guckian. 9.30am Mass on Sunday February 23rd , Reader Tom Gill, Ministers Martina Gill, Geraldine Monaghan. Church Collectors for February Micheal O’ Dowd, John Mc Nulty. Altar Society Fiona Higgins, Caithriona Faughnan.

Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday falls on February 26th this year and there will be Mass and distribution of ashes in Drumsna Church at 7pm on that day. Reader Katherine Mc Kiver. Ministers Padraig Dunne ,Kathetine Mc Kiver

Safe Guarding Children

Safe guarding children in the Diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnois details. Designated  Liaison Officers Sean Leydon 087 7431649/Roisin Doherty 087 7057516.


Bingo continues in Drumsna on Thursday night February 20th at 8.30pm. The jackpot of 350 Euro will be on 46 calls or less  this week. Last week’s winners include Margaret Charles, Eileen Bourke, Noel Reynolds, Orla Mc Grath. Raffle Geraldine Monaghan, Margaret Charles, Catherine Bohan. Free books for Thursday Feb., 20th Martina Tully, Gerry O’ Reilly.

Social Dancing

Social Dancing continues in Fitzpatrick’s Lounge ,Mohill on Sunday night February 23rd with music by Glenside Country. 

Enrolment ,Annaduff N. School.

Enrolment for Junior infants in Annaduff  National School is now taking place. Please call into the school or telephone 071 9624416 to request an enrolment pack.

Drumsna Tidy Towns 

There will be a meeting of the above on tonight Wednesday February 19th at 7pm in the centre. Everyone welcome.

Good Luck

Congratulations to Declan Cox Annaduff National School on becoming Leitrim Champion of the Eason Counties Spelling bee and good luck in the Connaught championship.  

Annaduff G.A.A.

The Annual Leitrim supporter’s club tickets are available now ,First prize 5,000 Euro with 11 Additional prizes. Main sponsors Cox’s Steak House, Dromod. Please note that Annaduff club get a quota to sell and you can buy off any member of the executive. Check out facebook Annaduff GFC or annaduffgaa.ie

G.A.A./Parish Lotto.

The next draw is in The Brandywell, Dromod on Sunday night  February 23rd with a jackpot of 4,900 Euro. If you are not  in you cant win.

Golden Age Meeting.

There will be a golden Age meeting in the Centre Drumsna today Wednesday  February 19th at 11am. The remainder of the money for the Annual Holiday is now due and can be given at this meeting. Also the May Madness Ball takes place in the Bush Hotel , Carrick on Tuesday May 5th . There will be refreshments ,dancing to Jimmy Lennon and we will be performing our usual May Madness play which is entitled ‘’New Neighbours’’ . we commence rehearsals this week. All members are requested to attend please.

Painting Classes.

Oil/Acrylic Painting classes with Noreen Gaffney will commence in Drumsna Community Centre on Tuesday February 25th 7pm-9pm. To register or for further information contact 087 6808141.

Annaduff Ladies Quiz.

Annaduff Ladies G.A.A. are holding a fun table quiz in Cox’s Steak House Dromod, on Friday night February 28th at 9pm. Tables of four 40 Euro. Please come along and support our Ladies who do so much for the young girls of the Parish.

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